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Establishment of tourist quotas in the Bavella Needles.

Natura Canyon - JB Graziani

Who has never dreamed of coming to Corsica and visiting the magnificent Aiguilles de Bavella which overlook the entire valley?

The Bavella Needles are one of the many wonders of nature Corsica. They dominate all the rivers of the valley through the Purcaraccia Waterfalls to the Solenzara which will flow into the Mediterranean Sea.

In recent years, with the increase in tourism on the island, some places in Corsica have been put to the test by mass tourism wanting at all costs to come and visit these places.

In order to protect the environment, the fauna and flora, the Assembly of Corsica has voted to implement a system to regulate attendance. Access to some of these sites is therefore now limited.

In the valley, the closure of roadside parking areas and the setting up of four car parks between the Ponte Grossu, Solenzara side, and the the Viseo racecourse, on the Zonza side, were born.

More info on the attached Corse Matin article: See.

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GRAZIANI Jean-Baptiste.

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