Want freshness and thrills in the most beautiful rivers of the island of beauty ?
Come and discover the clear waters and gorges of the "Vacca" canyon in Bavella in southern Corsica with Natura Canyon !

This canyon is full of many jumps into water holes, each as beautiful as the next ! It's a real postcard with clear waters and rocky walls that seem to scrape the sky...

The draped waterfall of the Vacca is known and referenced in many tourist guides… But nothing beats living the experience yourself !
So book your place, put on your shoes and put on your wetsuit to come and admire it with your own eyes by participating in this canyon ! The canyon is also wild fauna and flora in one of the most beautiful corners of Corsica : the Bavella Needles. Our guides will be able to tell you a few stories to get you going and answer your questions about this fabulous region…

Are you still hesitating ? Let me tell you that you will be surprised because some surprises are hidden in this canyon, it's up to you to discover them all !
This Blog post was written and edited by NATURA CANYON. GRAZIANI Jean-Baptiste.
Email: naturaserv@orange.fr
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SiteWeb: https://www.naturacanyon.com
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#descentedecanyoningàPulischellu #descentedecanyoningàPurcaraccia #descentedecanyoningàVacca #faireducanyoningencorse #canyoningcorsedusud
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